RightsCon is one of the world’s most important events on digital rights and techn
The past year 2024 left us with more shadows than lights with respect to the bala
At the end of September, the Summit of the Future took place, an event convened b
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We analyzed the implementation of public-private technologies in 14 countries in the region. In each one, we took into account 58 variables about infrastructure, personal data collected, privacy policies, security levels, rights affectation.
The COVID-19 pandemic became an excuse for Latin American governments to adopt various digital technologies to control people's contagion and provide health information. This project analyzed the effectiveness and the impact of these technologies on human rights.
Al Sur analyze the characteristics of the deployment of facial recognition technologies by the States in Latin America, taking into account the development of the industry, its legality and also the rights affected.
(micro site under construction)
Al Sur examines various ways of dealing with disinformation on the Internet without resorting to mechanisms that affect people's freedom of expression.