One pager - New Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention in LatAm: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

Cover one - pager New Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention in LatAm: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies"

Summary to the document "Evaluating the new Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime in Latin America".

During 2022, countries eligible to accede to the Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime will likely articulate national discussions for its adoption.  The Protocol establishes procedures that seek to strengthen international cooperation for law enforcement access to data across borders and poses significant challenges to human rights and fundamental freedoms. Civil society organizations, activists and experts working at the intersection of technology and human rights can play a key role in ensuring that due attention is paid to these challenges, promoting mitigation measures in the event of accession and encouraging the effective participation of all stakeholders.


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